23 August, 2010


This is the time of year when I feel swamped with yard and garden - and putting up all the yummy treats that are so bountiful. This past week or two I have been making myself take some time to just relax and slow down, to savor the season before it is but a memory.

I'm re-reading the Adept series by Katherine Kurtz & Deborah Turner Harris. When I am busy I find it easier to re-read books I enjoy because then I don't have to try to keep all the characters and plotlines straight. Earlier this summer I was doing a re-read of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

But what I'm really glad about is that I've picked up Egyptian Sampler again. I've been working on this piece, off & on, for at least two years now I think. Currently I am working on the backstitching in the border sections. On the top half of the chart. Once I get the two side sections backstitched then I can roll the fabric up and start stitching the bottom half of the chart.

This means I am nearing the half-way point (minus beading) and I am so excited! Progress! When I get to the "time to roll the fabric" I'll take photos. Trying to fit it in the scanner while still on the scroll frame would be crazy, so I'll wait to scan the piece until after it's completed.

I have an Eagle Scout emblem to stitch when I finish this, and then I can embark on the Egypt Garden Mandela by Martina Weber. And I'm really excited to start on that one! So luxurious, with all the gorgeous silks and crystals and things.

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