11 September, 2010

Taking care of ourselves

Tonight's reading is card #56, Gloominous Doom. This is a card about the ways we engage in self-defeat, -destruction, -pity. It is a state of being we get ourselves into, and are the ones who have to then get ourselves out of. We have the power to choose to stay in this destructive pattern, or we can choose to overcome it.

This card indicates a need for us to see that these things are our own- no matter how we ended up with them, it is our own issue which we have to accept in order to change it.

You have an opportunity right now to change those habits which are self-destructive. You have an opportunity right now to be a positive (not negative nor pessimistic) support for someone else going through this stage.

Positive feedback, positive outlook, stay focused on that goal of making changes for the better.

Until we change our attitudes and behaviors, so the entry on Gloominous Doom states, we are in essence cursing ourselves. May all of you identify and seek to rid yourselves of the self-destructive elements in your lives and embrace the good things.

01 September, 2010

Faery Words of Wisdom

One of my favorite forms of communication with other realms is the Faery's Oracle (Brian Froud & Jessica MacBeth). This is a lovely tool which eases the pathway of understanding between human and faery. I've really enjoyed my journey with these cards and the thought came to me to share them with you. So once a week, or thereabouts, I will ask the Oracle what it wishes to say to my readers; and then share the message with you! I'll be drawing a single card to keep things simple.

Card #1, Unity (reversed)
- union, mystical experience, spiritual home

The primary message of this card in a reversed position (according to the accompanying guidebook) is that the person(s) may be focusing more on the gaps between them and others, than on healing those differences. The message is one of taking steps towards reconciliation, healing and connection.

My personal impression- The image on this card is full of motion predominated by the color blue. There is an inner light and the entirety is luminescent. When we clear away the conflicts that consume our energies we are free to pursue what brings us closer to the divine: within ourselves, within others, the Divine itself. To become beings of Light.

"In Unity there is trust, love, and ecstasy." -Jessica MacBeth