24 June, 2010


Not a very inspired title, but I couldn't think of anything clever. I'm hoping the beneficial bugs (aka praying mantis) hatch soon. We bought a thing that looks like a cocoon or something made out of crystalized honey sorta, which purports to be a praying mantis egg sack. In theory, after temperatures rise above 75F then in approximately two weeks hundreds of baby mantis spring forth into the world and commence dining upon the banquet the home gardener has so kindly prepared for them. Well, the package didn't say that exactly, but the stinkin' ants have been farming aphids in my greenhouse tomato plants!!!

I may go buy a batch of ladybugs if I can find anyone who still has some. I know they just end up flying away back to wherever they hatched from, but if I let them loose in the greenhouse they can fatten up on my bug banquet first.

As if the bug issue in the greenhouse weren't excitement enough- this evening it finally cooled down enough to be pleasant garden weeding weather. And that's when all the mosquitos that are lurking in the beans decided to come out for a bit of Human Snack.

I decided it's just as easy to put on a hat and weed when it's warmer out, and am now indoors sipping tea and reading Tolkien. Just after I post this that is.

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